Pulmonary Rehabilitation

What is Pulmonary

Pulmonary Rehabilitation is a supervised program of exercise and education. Patients will participate in sessions three times a week for 12 weeks under the care of the pulmonary rehab specialist.

Will My Insurance Cover Services?

Pulmonary rehabilitation is covered by most commercial insurances, as well as Medicare and Medicaid. Our staff will work with you to verify benefit coverage or to discuss treatment costs that may not be covered by insurance.

How Do I Join the Program?

A physician’s referral is required for admission into the program. If your pulmonary illness or injury interferes with your strength, endurance and breathing techniques, check with your physician; our program may be right for you.

The program is open to individuals diagnosed with diseases such as: Asthma, Chronic Bronchitis, Obstructive Bronchitis without exacerbation, Other Chronic Bronchitis, Other Chronic Emphysema, Chronic Airway Obstruction not elsewhere classified, and CHF.

What Are the Benefits?

    • Control and alleviate symptoms.
    • Increase exercise tolerance.
    • Decrease anxiety and depression commonly associated with pulmonary disease.
    • Helps to achieve optimal ability to carry out the activities of daily living.

    Respiratory Care Services

    The following procedures are performed in this department

    • Handheld Nebulizer Therapy
    • Incentive Spirometry Therapy
    • Pulmonary Function Tests
    • Arterial Blood Gases, Oximeter Therapy
    • Oxygen Therapy (we use a variety of O2 devices)
    • Cool Mist Therapy
    • Heated Mist Therapy
    • Oxyhood Therapy
    • Chest Physical Therapy
    • Postural Drainage and Percussion
    • Mechanical Ventilation with a 740 iVent

    There are qualified personnel in this department to perform intubation procedures and sputum collections. Personnel are also ACLS/BLS and PALS certified. Non-Invasive Positive Pressure Ventilation (BIPAP), and Smoking Cessation Information.

    If you have questions or need additional information please CONTACT US.