Randal Wellness Center

Randal Wellness Center is a mental health treatment program center for senior adults providing intensive outpatient treatment to individuals who suffer from psychiatric, emotional, or behavioral disorders. The Texas counties established as our geographic service area are Archer, Baylor, Foard, Haskell, Knox, Throckmorton, Wichita, Wilbarger, and Young.

Why is Randal Wellness Center important to our community?

Health care professionals have determined that mental health and emotional problems decrease one’s ability to cope with the natural aging process. This program was developed to provide service to individuals and families in learning to cope with issues related to aging, loss, and changes in physical health. The program offers patients the opportunity to improve their quality of life by reducing their distress and increasing their ability to function independently

Specific treatment services include but are not limited to

    • Group Counseling
    • Family Counseling
    • Individual Counseling
    • Stress and Anxiety Management Training
    • Anger Management Training
    • Assertiveness Training
    • Communication Skills Training
    • Medication Management Training
    • Social Skills Training
    • Life Role Transition Management Training
    • Depression Coping Strategies Training
    • Aging Process Education
    • Health and Wellness Education
    • Individual Case Management
    • Nutritionally Appropriate Lunch and Snacks

    How does one gain admission into the program at Randal Wellness Center?

        • Physicians, health care professionals, human service agencies, clergy, and concerned family members or friends may make referrals to the program.
        • Randal Wellness Center provides a free in-home or on-site clinical evaluation to determine an individual’s need for treatment.
        • Payment for cost of treatment is typically covered by Medicare and/or the individual’s private insurance policy.
        • Appropriate transportation for individuals attending the program will be arranged by treatment staff, as needed.

        How are treatment services provided?

        Randal Wellness Center offers psychiatric evaluation and intervention designed to improve the quality of life for patients and their families. Our Board Certified Geriatric Psychiatrist, in collaboration with the patient’s primary care physician, will provide diagnostic services and recommend appropriate treatment prior to admission into the program.

        Treatment approaches are developed to meet the unique needs of senior adults and the individual needs of each patient. Supervised by the psychiatrist, treatment services are provided by our professional staff including a Licensed Master Social Worker, Licensed Professional Counselors, qualified nursing staff, and mental health technicians.

        Patients are treated in the least restrictive environment and are able to return to their home or primary residence each afternoon. Our professional staff provides assistance with group and individual sessions in a supervised setting while educating patients and families regarding mental health issues.

        Caregivers, families, and primary care physicians are encouraged to participate in the therapeutic process by assisting with the identification of problems and solutions addressed in treatment

        Who may benefit from services?

          Senior adults with any of the following behavioral signs and/or symptoms which appear to interfere with social, vocational, or educational functioning may benefit from treatment offered at Randal Wellness Center.

          • Anxiety
          • Anger
          • Agitation
          • Change in Eating Patterns
          • Confusion
          • Failing Memory
          • Delusions
          • Depression
          • Paranoia
          • Emotional Numbness
          • Crying
          • Hallucinations
          • Helplessness
          • Hopelessness
          • Irritability
          • Isolation
          • Mood Swings
          • Disorientation
          • Verbal Abuse
          • Sleep Disturbance
          • Unresolved Grief Issues
          • Loss of Interest in Hobbies and/or Activities

          Our philosophy is to provide quality care in an atmosphere that stresses the importance of dignity, confidentiality, and helping the individual achieve and maintain an optimum level of functioning.

          If you have questions or need additional information please CONTACT US.

          Randal Wellness Center, 511 East Ingram, Seymour, Texas Phone: (940) 889-4259